IJRS Volume-3, 2021

A. S. Pushkin and the Institution of Marriage
Charumati Ramdas

Abstract: ‘Love’ happens to be an important theme of A.S.Pushkin’s works and consequently women occupy an important place in his works. Pushkin does not consider woman just as an object of love. She is pure, pious, beautiful, genius, source of inspiration for him. In his personal life Pushkin was attracted to many women, who loved him, his talent, and his brilliance. But he did not publicly make fun of them or ridicule them after a certain love affair got over. More than love, it was the bond of marriage between a man and a woman, which was pious to Pushkin. He held this bond in high esteem and many a times tried to demonstrate how sacred the institution of marriage is for a woman, how faithful she is to her husband and how a husband too fights to save the dignity of a married woman and goes to the extent of not only sacrificing his life but even after death he safeguards the honour of his wife. In this paper, an attempt is made to explore Pushkin’s attitude towards the Institution of Marriage in general and his heroines in particular.

Keywords: Love, marriage, institution, pious, honor, sacrifice

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