IJRS Volume-1, 2019

Effect of Bilingualism, Multilingualism, Translingualism on Literary Texts of Russia and India
Ranjana Banerjee

Abstract: Linguistic plurality in Russia and India reflects through the ages in various forms. From proximate form, it gradually shifted to integrative form. Initially, the integrative form of bi/multilingualism was observed amongst the elites, but gradually it became a characteristic feature of the common man too. With the rise of Nation/State theory, in the 20th century Soviet Russia and India, a necessity to determine a common/official language for consolidation, emerged. Speaking L2, at times L3, for daily purpose of life became a common trait of the people of these lands. The aforementioned linguistic pattern reflects in the literary text too. Bi/multi-lingual texts are found in India and Russia since ancient times. In ancient texts it served as a medium to assert the caste and class distinction. Multilingual and bilingual works of the 19th century Russia and India evolved due to the strong influence of Western language and culture. Such bilingual works were either evocative or satirical. In 20th century Soviet/ Post- Soviet Russia and India, the common /official language served as a platform for the writers to reach a broader audience. Thus, the period witnessed the evolution of translingual writings on one hand and translation of regional writings on the other.

Keywords: India, Russia, bilingualism, multilingualism, translingualism, literary texts.

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